Montag, 18. Juni 2007

17 things I learned about Asian Americans

-> the five biggest ethnic groups of Asian Americans in the USA:
Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Filipino Americans
-> they are often faced with racism
-> there are two kinds of racism: - institutionalized racism
- (everyday) racism
-> there have been almost 30 laws against Asians
-> during WW II 120.000 Japanese Americans have been brought
to internment camps
-> i got to know know what "shikatta go nai , gambatte, kodomo no
tameni" means ( it can't be helped, hold on, for the sake of our children )
-> Most Asian Americans shared a sense of guilt and shame about the Virginia
tech massacre and most of the fear racial backlashes
-> many Asian American people have become famous stars in the USA
( Chackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Lucy Liu, George Takei etc.)
-> every group of Asian Americans has got a very interesting history and culture
-> after the Virginia Tech Massacre many Koreans have been afraid of beeing
victims of racist hate
-> the immigration history of the Asian Americans are deeply rooted in the
evolution of the US and Asia
-> many Chinese have come in the 1850s because of the 'Gold Rush'
-> famous Americans like Rosie O'Donnell or Tim Hardaway gave racist
statements against Asians or gay people on tv
-> Vincent Chin has been murdered because the murderers thought that he
was Japanese
-> the soldiers of the 442nd have all been Japanese Americans and truly
brave soldiers
-> 24 people died during the L.A. Race Riots on April 29th 1992
-> so many Asian Americans are discriminated againt just because they are
-> now I'm very well informed about Asian Americans in the USA and their
history and the problems they have to face ! =)

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