Montag, 18. Juni 2007

Radio Show : Interview with an internment-inmate

Speaker: So now today we've got a guest : here's Chen Ossuna, he survived
5 years in "Tule Lake" during the Japanese American Internment.
At that time he was 12 years old. Today he's going to give us some
impressions about the way of life this time. Good evening !
Mr. Ossuna: Godd evening.
Speaker: So first tell us how you came into the camps, please.
Mr. Ossuna: Well, we were sitting in the kitchen and were dining when they
caught us. They told us that we're going to stay there a few days
on holiday, but i knew that this was a lie !
Speaker: Right, and how were you treated when you have been in the time
you spent in the camp ?
Mr. Ossuna: Now, you can imagine, not that good. We had to sleep in rooms
like in prison, but not like there alone. We've been at least 6 people
in one room. Furthermore we got little to eat.
You could say we were treated like dogs, not like human beeings !
Speaker: Yeah, that's a really sad fact ! But we all know now what happened
and I hope that will ever remember us that this can't never
happen again. Mr. Ossuna I really thank you for beeing here
tonight and best wished for your future !
Mr. Ossuna: Thank you !
Speaker: So, this has been our special about the Japanese American
Internment. It will follow the weather broadcast with Stacy
godd evening everybody.....


the victims of the riots
why are you so quiet ?
we pray for you

Many of them are dead
they found no love
they found no peace
no happiness instead

so now we think of you
remembering the pain
so that this won't happen again

Wanted - Poster

Letter to a friend...

Dear Tony,
I'm so upset and nervous, I don't know what'S going on here. Two days
ago, some men came to us, caught us and brought us to this 'Holiday Camp' here. I'm so afraid and I don'T know, why we are here. There are so many people here, but all have the same appearance as I. Me and my family feel like chicken in a huge cage. Everything is so strange here and we are treated like numbered goods. Do you know something what could have been happened here or could you ask your parents, please ? I'm so scared !
I hope you're fine and we'll meet soon !
Bye, best wishes !
Chin =)

(10 year old Japanese American kept in a internment camp)

17 things I learned about Asian Americans

-> the five biggest ethnic groups of Asian Americans in the USA:
Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Filipino Americans
-> they are often faced with racism
-> there are two kinds of racism: - institutionalized racism
- (everyday) racism
-> there have been almost 30 laws against Asians
-> during WW II 120.000 Japanese Americans have been brought
to internment camps
-> i got to know know what "shikatta go nai , gambatte, kodomo no
tameni" means ( it can't be helped, hold on, for the sake of our children )
-> Most Asian Americans shared a sense of guilt and shame about the Virginia
tech massacre and most of the fear racial backlashes
-> many Asian American people have become famous stars in the USA
( Chackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Lucy Liu, George Takei etc.)
-> every group of Asian Americans has got a very interesting history and culture
-> after the Virginia Tech Massacre many Koreans have been afraid of beeing
victims of racist hate
-> the immigration history of the Asian Americans are deeply rooted in the
evolution of the US and Asia
-> many Chinese have come in the 1850s because of the 'Gold Rush'
-> famous Americans like Rosie O'Donnell or Tim Hardaway gave racist
statements against Asians or gay people on tv
-> Vincent Chin has been murdered because the murderers thought that he
was Japanese
-> the soldiers of the 442nd have all been Japanese Americans and truly
brave soldiers
-> 24 people died during the L.A. Race Riots on April 29th 1992
-> so many Asian Americans are discriminated againt just because they are
-> now I'm very well informed about Asian Americans in the USA and their
history and the problems they have to face ! =)

Comparison with Other Supplier Markets

Asian American-owned firms are not just dry cleaners and “mom-and-pop” grocery stores. Asian American businesses represent all industries including: Engineering * Accounting * Research * Facilities Management * Advertising, Marketing & Public Relations * Real Estate * Healthcare * Security & Commodity Brokers * Manufacturing * Transportation
Top 6 Asian American business groups by ethnicity

Group Number of Firms Gross Receipts
($ 1000)

Chinese 252,577 106,196,794

Asian India 166,737 67,503,357

Korean 135,571 45,936,497

Vietnamese 97,764 9,322,891

Japanese 85,538 43,741,051

Filipino 84,534 11,077,885

Facts about Asian Americans

Did you know, that...

Asian American-owned companies experienced a growth rate of 30 percent from 1992 to 1997, and a revenue growth rate of 46 percent during the same time period
At 913,000 firms, Asian American-owned businesses generated a total of $306.9 billion in sales with each firm averaging $336,200
Asian American-owned businesses employed more than 2.2 million workers in 2000.
Over 50 percent of all minority-owned businesses whose sales exceeded one million dollars were Asian American owned